TÜV Süd: Latest monitoring audit completed

ISO 9001 standard for quality management of organizations with a

On December 5, 2016, our second monitoring audit was conducted by the governmental technical inspection association “TÜV Süd” for certification according to DIN ISO 9001:2014. Passing the external monitoring audit again with flying colors provides further confirmation that our quality management and its consistent implementation are the right way to go. Of this we all are proud and, for this, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my practice team.

Dr. Mahn with the under-19 national football team in Barcelona, Spain


In his function as a German Football Association (DFB) team physician, Dr. Mahn will accompany the under-19 footballers to Spain and attend to them at a training camp from November 6 to 16, 2016. During these 10 days, the German team will play an international match against the Czech Republic. Of course, Dr. Mahn cannot be personally available for office hours or surgeries during this time. However, he’s back in the practice on November 17 and his next surgery date is scheduled for November 22. The practice will remain open as usual with Dr. Mahn’s colleagues filling in for him. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope for your understanding.

Article in the Frankfurt newspaper “Neue Presse”


At the start of the UEFA European Football Championship in France, the journalist Dieter Deul took the opportunity to interview Dr. Mahn and pose specific questions about his clinical focus on sports medicine. His interests cover football (German Football Association (DFB), Swiss Football Association), track and field, golf and other athletic disciplines. The interview focused on Dr. Mahn’s work as team physician for the DFB. This fascinating sideline in professional sports is only made possible by Mr. Diaz competent representation in the practice. In other words, Mr. Diaz has got Dr. Mahn’s back.

Bad Vilbel sports doctor – Keeps up-and-coming elite athletes fit

Accreditation for continuing education in orthopaedic and trauma surgery

Weiterbildungsermächtigung Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie

For many years now, our practice has been a dedicated training center for medical care assistants.

Now, Dr. Mahn and Mr. Diaz have also received accreditation from the Hessen State Medical Association for continuing education in orthopedics and accident surgery. At our certified practice, where we “live” quality management, we can now also start training physicians as well. That means, young doctors can gain experience on the highest level and receive structured professional development in a practice particularly focused on areas like arthroscopic knee surgery etc.


After-Business Event at the Porsche Center in Bad Homburg

Dr-Mahn-After-Business Event-Porschezentrum

We have compiled an interesting program in collaboration with the Porsche Center Bad Homburg / Oberursel, the BTU Tax Consultancy in Oberursel and the German Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses. Dr. Mahn gave a talk titled “A pain-free back. The new SpineMED method developed in the USA.” The event was a great success and we received very positive feedback from the participants. Once again, we extend many thanks to the host and organizers.


Happy Easter

Dr-Mahn-OsternWir wünschen all unseren Patienten, Kunden, Zulieferern und Kooperationspartnern schöne Osterfeiertage. Die Praxis ist am Gründonnerstag normal bis 18:00 Uhr geöffnet. Über die Feiertage gönnen wir uns eine kleine Pause. Am Dienstag, 29.03.16, sind wir ab 8:00 Uhr wieder für Sie da.

Dr. Mahn on the road with the under-18 team


In his function as German Football Association-team physician for our under-18 national team, Dr. Mahn will be on the road from March 20 to 28, 2016. During this time, Dr. Mahn’s competent colleague at the practice, Mr. Diaz, will be filling in for him. We value your understanding for this.

Dr. Mahn certified as golf medical coach


After an interesting continuing medical education and certification course, Dr. Mahn was conferred the title “Golf Medical Coach” in Munich/Alling on March 13, 2016, certifying his special knowledge in the diagnostics, therapy and prevention of injuries and overuse injuries relating to the sport of golf.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear Patients,
Now that we are approaching the end of the year 2015, we would like you to thank you sincerely for the trust you have placed in us. Wishing you and your family a joyous Christmas season and Happy and Prosperous New Year! Moving forward to 2016, we continue to give you our concerted support to heal your injuries or diseases to the best of our capabilities.

Dr. Mahn returns from Israel


Dr. Mahn has returned from Israel and, starting today, he’s back seeing patients as usual during his office hours. The under-18 national football team won the 4-nation tournament under the best external conditions. Afterwards, all players went off to their well-deserved Christmas holidays without any major injuries. The trip to Israel was as much of an impressive experience because of the football, as it was by virtue of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relationships between Germany and Israel. The special importance of the relationship between these two countries was underscored by the prominence-studded German Football Association (DFB) delegation with the officiating first DFB vice-president Dr. Rainer Koch and sports director Hansi Flick.