We wish you a blessed Christmas

2017 comes to an end. It was an eventful year! We put our MRT into operation, there were changes in the medical team and we welcomed two new babies of our employees, which is one of the most beautiful news. Dr. Mahn and his team wish all patients, cooperation partners and friends a Merry Christmas, a relaxing time “between the years” and a successful start in the year 2018. Our practice is also open for you during the holiday season (except on December 28). However, the next surgery day is only January 16, 2018. In emergencies that require surgery, we must therefore refer you to the surrounding clinics.

TÜV: practice recertification according to DIN ISO 9001: 2015

On 11.12.2017, our practice was successfully recertified by TÜV Süd, according to the new DIN ISO 9001: 2015 . During the last year, we adapted our quality management system to the new standard and with Mrs. Fr. Welz-Spiegel, our QM consultant, we developed new strategies. This recertification certifies us that we are still fullfilling the standards for quality management and its consistent implementation. We value quality and traceability and can be proud of the service provided. This means that in the future, we will work on the highest level of our process quality. I would like to thank my practice team.

DFB: Dr. Mahn with the U20 national team away

Dear patients,
Dr. Mahn is from the 6th to 15th November with our U20 national team in Chemnitz. There are interesting international games against Italy (Chemnitz, Thursday, 09.11.17, 18:00, Eurosport) and England (Zwickau, Tuesday, 14.11.07, 18:00, Eurosport). Therefore, the next scheduled surgery day is only the 21.11.17. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope for your understanding (and love for football!). In the practice Dr. Mahn will be professionally represented by Fr. Müller-Rau.

The first Orthopedic Trauma Specialist Assistants (OTF) in Germany

At the beginning of 2016, a new specialist training for medical assistants was introduced, which concludes with the specialization “Orthopedic traumatology specialist assistant” (OTF). Luisa and Romina, from our practice, took part in the nationwide first qualification course and successfully passed the OTF final test in June 2017. We are pleased that our employees have taken several courses in Hamburg and are among the first OTFs in Germany. This also demonstrates that we take seriously the further education of our employees. Because only up-to-date employees can help our patients in difficult situations.

First MRI scan in Bad Vilbel opened!

Today we are finally ready to put our new exclusive open MRI scanner in service. It was worth waiting, we can promise. We have put a lot of work into its implementation and also paid attention to the smallest details. We want to offer you a fear-free comfortable alternative to the usual closed MRI examinations. We also take care of you personally and no one needs to be afraid of “assembly line handling”. You can select your desired music or movie that you wanna listen to or watch during the examination. Our latest device from Hitachi is comparatively quiet and also protects your ears. Unfortunately, we can offer our service only to private patients and self-payers since the costs are not covered by public health insurance.

Dr. Mahn with the U19 national team in Lübeck

From the 14th to the 18th of April, Dr. Mahn is the DFB team doctor of the U19 team in a training camp in Lübeck, ending with a match against Denmark. This is the last U19 international match before the European Championship in July in Georgia. During this time, he can unfortunately not offer personal consultation and the surgery days are also canceled. He is back in the practice on April 19th and the next surgery day is on April 25th. The practice is, however, open and Dr. Mahn will be represented during the consultation by her colleague, Dr. Dr. Müller-Rau. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Happy Easter!

Dear patients, customers, cooperation partners and assigners!

The fasting time is almost over and Easter is coming again. As always in our practice, a lot has happened. A female employee temporarily took her maternity and parental leave, and there were also changes in the medical field. We are particularly pleased that our new open MRI will soon be opened after an extended construction phase.

We wish you all the best!

Your Team Dr. Mahn


First “practice baby” born

We can report very good news today. This time it is not about medical issues or hightech devices, no … On April 6th our Nadine gave birth to her little daughter Luisa. So we can celebrate the first “practice baby” and warmly congratulate the happy parents!

Article in the Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Board-certified Physician in Bad Vilbel: The first MRI Scan is floating in the air”

On Monday, December 19th, 2016, the Frankfurter Neue Presse reported on the first Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan for the city of Bad Vilbel, which was imported from Japan. We are glad that everything went smoothly and we would like to thank the people, who accepted understandingly the blocking of the Frankfurter Street from 7:00 pm to 4:00 am. Numerous citizens had appeared to witness the introduction of the machine into the building with a crane. The applause was great when around 11pm the heavy medical device had made its way to the first floor. Read the complete article here (in German).

Now the highly specialized practice is being built around the hightech device and we expect to be completed within the next three months so that we can open in spring. We are glad that a large number of patients can be examined with a MRI scan at their place of residence, thereby avoiding the road to Frankfurt or other surrounding cities. We are especially proud to be able to offer you examinations in an extremely comfortable open MRI scan of the latest generation.

First MRI scanner procured in Bad Vilbel


The long-awaited day comes on Saturday, December 17th: Bad Vilbel finally receives a magnetic resonance imaging scanner (MRI). As the article in the Frankfurt newspaper Neue Presse reported, this investment closes a gap in medical care infrastructure for the city. After the opening of an MRI and X-ray practice by a radiologist ended up failing for various reasons, Dr. Mahn himself took action and invested in high-tech equipment for his practice at Niddaplatz. The new open MRI scanner—representing the latest generation manufactured by Hitachi—was delivered on December 17, 2016 and transported through the previously opened facade. To achieve this feat, the Frankfurter Straße has to be barricaded off completely from 19:00 CET into the early hours of the morning. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.
