Happy Easter

Dr-Mahn-OsternWir wünschen all unseren Patienten, Kunden, Zulieferern und Kooperationspartnern schöne Osterfeiertage. Die Praxis ist am Gründonnerstag normal bis 18:00 Uhr geöffnet. Über die Feiertage gönnen wir uns eine kleine Pause. Am Dienstag, 29.03.16, sind wir ab 8:00 Uhr wieder für Sie da.

Dr. Mahn on the road with the under-18 team


In his function as German Football Association-team physician for our under-18 national team, Dr. Mahn will be on the road from March 20 to 28, 2016. During this time, Dr. Mahn’s competent colleague at the practice, Mr. Diaz, will be filling in for him. We value your understanding for this.

Dr. Mahn certified as golf medical coach


After an interesting continuing medical education and certification course, Dr. Mahn was conferred the title “Golf Medical Coach” in Munich/Alling on March 13, 2016, certifying his special knowledge in the diagnostics, therapy and prevention of injuries and overuse injuries relating to the sport of golf.